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200+Emojis with their Meanings and Types of emojis 2024

200+Emojis with their Meanings and Types of emojis 2024


Emojis are visual symbols that represent emotions, creatures, objects, and various other symbols. They are widely used across the internet in text messages, social media, and other informal communication methods. Emojis enable vivid expression of feelings and emotions that might be difficult to convey with just text. If you’ve ever been puzzled by the meaning of an emoji, this detailed guide will help you. Below, we’ve compiled a list of different emojis and their meanings to assist you. So, let’s dive in without further delay.

Smileys and people emojis

Emojis are symbols that capture everyday expressions and emotions. Each update to the Unicode standard often introduces new emojis, which might include various facial expressions, as well as other aspects related to human life or the human body.

EmojiNameMeaningOther Names
Grinning FaceConveys cheerfulness and joy.Grinning Face
😃SmileyDenotes happiness and positive feelings.Grinning Face with Big Eyes
😄SmileDepicts happiness in greetings or compliments.Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes, Happy Face, Smiley Face
😁GrinRepresents excitement or mischievousness.Beaming Face with Smiley Eyes, Cheesy Face
😆LaughingOften used to react to something hilarious.Grinning Squinting Face
😅Sweat SmileRepresents a close call or awkwardness.Phew Emoji, Grinning Face with Sweat, Relief Emoji
🤣Rolling on the Floor LaughingFor reactions to extremely funny jokes.Titled Laughter
😂JoyLaughter is so intense it brings tears.Face with Tears of Joy, Haha Emoji
🙂Slightly Smiling FaceCan be positive, patronizing, or ironic.Ironic Smile, Pain Behind the Smile
🙃Upside Down FaceRepresents silliness or sarcasm.Sarcasm, Silly
😉WinkSuggests a joke or hidden meaning.Winky Face
😊BlushShows extreme happiness or pleasure.Happy, Blush Face
😇InnocentSymbolizes purity and innocence.Angel
😍Heart EyesConveys love and attraction.Heart Face
😘Kissing HeartUsed to convey affectionate farewells.Blowing Kiss
😚Kissing Closed EyesExpresses love and affection with shyness.Kissy, Kiss
😙Kissing Smiling EyesConveys love and affection lightly.Kissy
😋YumIndicates delicious food is being enjoyed.Tasty, Delicious
😛Stuck Out TongueShows excitement and fun.Tongue Out
😜Stuck Out Tongue Winking EyeFor jokes and casual fun.Crazy
😐Neutral FaceFor unrecognized jokes or concern.Straight Face Emoji
😑ExpressionlessConveys frustration or disappointment.Straight Mouth
🤔Thinking FaceDepicts deep thought.Thinker
🤫Shushing FaceUsed to quieten a noisy chat.Shh, Quiet Emoji, Hush
🤗Hugging FaceDepicts affection.Hugging, Aww Come Here!
🤐Zipper Mouth FaceFor keeping secrets or promises.Lips Sealed, Zip It
🤑Money Mouth FaceShows excitement about gaining money.Dollar Sign Eyes, Money Face
😶No MouthUsed when speechless from disappointment.Blank Face, Mouthless, Silence
😏SmirkUsed when boasting about an achievement.Flirting Face, Smug Face, Suggestive Face
😒Unamused FaceConveys irritation or dissatisfaction.Dissatisfied, Meh, Unimpressed
🙄Face with Rolling EyesFor obvious or foolish statements.Eye Roll
😬Grimacing FaceShows awkwardness or nervousness.Awkward, Eek, Nervous
🤥Lying FaceIndicates dishonesty, akin to Pinocchio.Liar, Long Nose, Pinocchio
😌Relieved FaceShows calmness, peace, or satisfaction.Content, Pleased
😔Pensive FaceDescribes sadness or sorrow.Sad, Sad Face, Sorrowful
😴Sleeping FaceOften used to say “good night.”Sleepy, Zzz Face
😪Sleepy FaceShows exhaustion after a long day.Side-Tear, Snot Bubble
🤤Drooling FaceDenotes craving for delicious food.Drool, Water-Dropping
😷Face with Medical MaskUsed for illness or health protection.Coronavirus, COVID-19, Face Mask
🤒Face with ThermometerDepicts someone feeling sick.Sick, Ill
🤕Face with Head BandageIndicates a head injury.Clumsy, Bandaged Head, Injured
🤢Nauseated FaceDepicts feeling of being about to vomit.Disgusting, Vomit Face, Yuck!
🤮Face VomitingShows disgust or sickness.Spew, Throwing Up, Vomit
🤧Sneezing FaceUsed when someone is cold or sneezing.Gesundheit, Sneeze
🥵Hot FaceUsed during high temperatures.Overheated Face, So Damn Hot!
🥶Cold FaceUsed during extreme cold.Freezing Face, Coldness, So Damn Cold!
🥴Woozy FaceShows effects of too much alcohol.Drunk Face
😵Face with Crossed-Out EyesDepicts disbelief or shock.Dizzy Face
🤯Exploding HeadFor shocking or amazing news.Mind Blow, What the…
🤠Cowboy Hat FaceA smiling face with a cowboy hat.Cowboy, Brown Hat Face
🥳Partying FaceIndicates celebration or party time.Let’s Party!
🥸Disguised FaceUsed for undercover or sneaky activities.Detective
😎Smiling Face with SunglassesShows a sense of cool achievement.Sunglasses, Cool, Oh Yeah!
🤓Nerd FaceIndicates intelligence or studiousness.Class Topper, Nerdy
🧐Face with MonocleUsed when examining something closely.Detective Mode ON, Something Fishy
😕Confused FaceShows uncertainty or confusion.Puzzled, Nonplussed
☹️Frowning FaceIndicates sadness or disappointment.Mega Frown, Disappointment
😮Face with Open MouthUsed for shock that causes awe.Open Mouth, Surprised
😯Hushed FaceMild amusement or surprise.Surprised Face, Surprise
😲Astonished FaceFor shock or amazement.Drunk Face, Gasping Face
😳Flushed FaceShows embarrassment or surprise.Embarrassed, Blushing Face, Shame
🥺Pleading FaceDesperate desire for something.Begging, Glossy Eyes, Simp
😧Anguished FaceShows sadness and disappointment.Pained Face
😨Fearful FaceDepicts fear or shock.Scared, Surprised
😥Sad but Relieved FaceSad but relieved as things could’ve been worse.Eyebrow Sweat
😭Loudly Crying FaceShows extreme grief or overwhelming joy.Sobbing, Sad Tears, Crying Out Loud
😱Face Screaming in FearDepicts extreme shock or horror.Home Alone, Scream, Shocked
😖Confounded FaceShows frustration, sadness, or distress.Quivering Face, Scrunched Face
😞Disappointed FaceExpresses unhappiness or regret.Sad, Sad Face
😓Downcast Face with SweatIndicates sadness, pain, or hard work.Hard Work, Dejected
😫Tired FaceUsed after a demanding day.Exhausted, Fed Up
🥱Yawning FaceShows sleepiness or boredom.Feeling Sleepy
😤Face with Steam from NoseRepresents anger or frustration.Triumph, Steaming, Frustrated
🫡Saluting FaceA sign of respect or greeting.Salute
😮‍💨Sigh EmojiExpresses exhaustion or disappointment.Sigh
🫠Melting FaceRepresents extreme heat or embarrassment.Melt
🫥Dotted Line FaceUsed to show depression or disinterest.Dotted Face
😶‍🌫️Face in CloudsDepicts confusion or unclear thoughts.Foggy
🫣Face with Peeking EyeUsed for cautious or scared looking.Peeking Eye
🫤Face with Diagonal MouthExpresses skepticism or doubt.Meh
🤬Face with Symbols on MouthShows extreme anger or swearing.Cursing, Swearing
👿Angry Face with HornsRepresents intense anger or devilish behavior.Devil, Devil Horns, Ultra Angry
😈Smiling Face with HornsUsed for mischievous or cheeky actions.Happy Devil
💀SkullSymbolizes death or extreme reactions.Death, Death Skull
💩Pile of PooOften used humorously for silliness or disgust.Smiling Poop, Dog Dirt
🤡Clown FaceCan denote creepiness or silliness.Joker, What a Joke!
👹Japanese OgreRepresents a mythical ogre or monster.Mask Face, Oni, Red Monster
👺GoblinDenotes evil or cruelty.Long Face Mask, Red Mask, Grumpy Monster
👻GhostUsed for spooky or goofy expressions.Halloween, Disappear, Snapchat
👽AlienRepresents an extraterrestrial being.Outer Space Creature
👾Alien MonsterDepicts a video game-style alien.Space Invader, Video Game Monster
🤖Robot FaceShows a vintage-style robot head.Droid, Robot
👦Boy FaceA simple depiction of a boy.Boy, Child Boy
👧Girl FaceA simple depiction of a girl.Girl, Child Girl
👀EyesEmphasizes looking or noticing.Eyeballs, Wide-Open Eyes, What Happened!?
✍️Writing HandsRepresents the act of writing.Writing, Write
👋Waving HandUsed for greetings or farewells.Goodbye, Hello, Hand Wave
🦾Mechanical ArmShows a robotic arm.Robotic Arm, Metal Arm, Artificial Arm
🤳SelfieDepicts taking a selfie.Selfie Hand, Hand Cam

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Animal and nature emojis

Earth is filled with a vast variety of animals and plants, many of which are represented by emojis. Some of these emojis are used literally to represent specific creatures or plants, while others carry symbolic meanings. Below is a list of emojis related to animals and nature.

EmojiNameMeaningOther Names
🐱Cat FaceA yellow cat face emoji.Smiley Cat, Kitty, Smiling Cat
🙈See No Evil MonkeyA monkey covering its eyes.Monkey Covering Eyes
🐵Monkey FaceA monkey face emoji with wide-open eyes.Monkey Head
🙉Hear No Evil MonkeyA monkey covering its ears.Monkey Covering Ears
🙊Speak No Evil MonkeyA monkey covering its mouth.Monkey Covering Mouth
🐒MonkeyA small primate with long limbs.Cheeky Monkey
🦍GorillaAn emoji of a grey-haired gorilla.
🦧OrangutanThe orange-haired ape emoji with long arms.
🐶Dog FaceAn emoji portraying the face of a dog.Puppy, Doggy
🐕DogA dog emoji, known as ‘human’s best friend’.Doggo
🐺WolfAn emoji portraying the face of a wolf.Wolf Face
🦊FoxAn emoji portraying the face of a fox.Fox Face
🦝RaccoonA gray raccoon emoji.
🐈CatA cat emoji generally kept as a pet.Feline, House Cat
🦁Lion FaceA simple emoji with a face of a lion.Lion
🐅TigerA large orange cat with black stripes across its body.Bengal Tiger
🐆LeopardA large yellow cat with black yellow spots.Jaguar
🐎HorseA horse emoji depicted as galloping towards the left.Racehorse, Galloping Horse
🦄UnicornA mythical and fantasy animal.
🦓ZebraAn emoji of the black striped animal called zebra.
🦬BisonA brown bison shown in full profile with horns, a beard, and woolly mane.Buffalo
🐄CowA dairy cow emoji with black spots on its body.Dairy Cow
🐂OxAn emoji depicting a brown ox.Oxen, Bull
🐪CamelAn emoji portrayal of a desert animal.Desert Camel, Arabian Camel
🦙LlamaA rare camel-like animal found in South America.Alpaca
🦒GiraffeA face emoji of the tallest animals around called giraffe.
🐘ElephantAn emoji of the largest animal on the planet known as elephant.
🦏RhinoA large mammal with massive horns.Rhinoceros
🦣MammothA woolly extinct creature with long curvy tusks.
🦛HippoAn emoji of a huge water mammal with big jaws.Hippopotamus
🐁MouseA bright mouse emoji with a long pink tail.Rodent, Mice
🐀RatA rat emoji with a long pink tail.Rodent
🐹HamsterA small cute rodent often kept as a pet.Hamster Face
🐇RabbitA mammal that loves to eat and has long ears.Bunny
🐿️SquirrelA rodent with big and puffy cheeks.Chipmunk
🦔HedgehogAn emoji of a small spiny mammal called hedgehog.Spike
🦇BatA bat emoji that can also be used to describe the superhero Batman.Batman
🐻BearAn emoji portrayal of a bear.Teddy Bear
🐻‍❄️Polar BearAn emoji of an animal found in Arctic places.Bear Face
🐼PandaAn emoji depicting a panda.Panda Face
🦘KangarooAn emoji of a kangaroo.Roo
🕊️DoveA bird associated with the symbol of peace.Dove of Peace
🦅EagleAn emoji portrayal of the majestic bird eagle.Bald Eagle
🦉OwlAn emoji of a large-eyed bird owl.
🌲Evergreen TreeA tree that keeps its leaves all year long.Fir Tree, Pine Tree
🌵CactusA cactus plant emoji.Desert
🌴Palm TreeA tree on which coconuts grow.Coconut Tree
🌿HerbA green herb emoji.Crop
🍁Maple LeafAn orange maple leaf also associated with Canada.Canada
🌹RoseA vibrant red rose emoji, often used as a symbol of love.Red Rose, Red Flower
🪸CoralA living organism found in the ocean.Ocean

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Food and Drink emojis

Food and drink emojis encompass a wide range of symbols representing fruits, vegetables, beverages, meals, and even utensils. These emojis are perfect for sharing your culinary tastes, experiences, and preferences. Here’s a look at these emojis.

EmojiNameDescriptionOther Names
🍇GrapesA bunch of grapes.Grape
🍈MelonA light green melon.Cantaloupe, Honeydew
🍉WatermelonA slice of watermelon with red flesh and black seeds.
🍊OrangeThe pulpy orange fruit.Tangerine, Mandarin
🍋LemonA yellow, sour citrus fruit.Lemonade
🍌BananaA peeled banana.Monkey snack
🍍PineappleA pineapple with a leafy shoot on top.
🥭MangoA tropical mango fruit.Mangifera
🍎AppleA vibrant red apple.Red apple
🍏Green appleA green apple.Granny apple
🍐PearA green pear.
🍑PeachA peach fruit.Bottom
🍓StrawberryA red strawberry with green leaves.
🍒CherriesTwo cherries with a stem.Cherry
🥝KiwiA sliced open kiwi with seeds visible.Chinese gooseberry
🍅TomatoA red tomato with a green stem.Tomato plant
🥥CoconutA half-cut coconut showing its white meat.
🥑AvocadoA half-cut avocado showing the brown pit.
🍆EggplantAn eggplant with a green stem.Brinjal
🥔PotatoA potato.Baked potato
🥕CarrotA bright orange carrot with green leaves.
🌽CornA partially husked ear of golden corn.Ear of corn, Maize
🌶️Hot PepperA bright red chili pepper.Chili, Spicy
🥦BroccoliBroccoli.Green veggie
🍞BreadA loaf of bread.Loaf of bread
🥓BaconStrips of bacon.Rashers
🍔BurgerA burger with patty and vegetables.Hamburger, Cheeseburger
🍟FriesFrench fries in a red carton.French Fries, Chips
🍕PizzaA slice of pepperoni pizza.Slice of pizza, Cheese pizza
🌭HotdogA sausage in a bun.Sausage
🌯BurritoA wrapped dish with rice, beans, beef, and cheese.Wrap, Roll
🧆FalafelA Middle Eastern dish.Flatbread, Pita
🥘Shallow Pan of FoodA dish with rice, vegetables, and curry.Mix veg, Pan
🍜Steaming BowlA bowl of steaming noodles or rice.Ramen, Noodles
🍛Curry and RiceCurry served with rice.Curry, Indian Food
🍗Poultry LegA crispy chicken leg.Chicken, Chicken Leg Piece, Drumstick
🍙Rice BallA rice ball wrapped in seaweed.Onigiri, Seaweed
🍥Fish CakeA whitefish cake commonly served with ramen.Fish Cake with Swirl, Pink Swirl
🥮MooncakeA traditional Chinese sweet delicacy.Chinese Mooncake
🍡DangoJapanese sweet dumplings on a skewer.Dessert Stick
🥟DumplingAsian dumplings filled with various ingredients.Momos, Empanada
🍧Shaved IceA cone of shaved ice with syrup.Snowcone, Ice Cream
🍩DoughnutA chocolate-covered doughnut.Donut
🍰CakeA slice of cake, often a pastry.Pastry, Shortcake, Strawberry Cake
🧁CupcakeA cupcake with pink cream topping.Muffin, Fairy Cake
☕Hot BeverageRelates to coffee, tea, and other hot drinks.Tea, Espresso, Hot Chocolate
🍫ChocolateA bar of chocolate in a red wrapper.Chocolate Bar, Candy Bar
🍵Teacup Without HandleA handle-less cup, typically for green tea.Green Tea, Matcha
🥃Tumbler GlassA glass used for whiskey and other liquors.Liquor, Rum, Whiskey
🧊IceAn ice cube for chilling drinks.Ice Cube
🥄SpoonA simple silver spoon.Teaspoon
🍽️Fork & Knife with PlateCutlery for eating a meal.Dinner, Cutlery
🍺BeerA mug of beer with froth.Beer Mug, Beer Stein
🍻BeersTwo clinking beer mugs.Clinking Beer Mugs
🫘BeansLegumes like kidney beans.Kidney Beans

Travel and places emojis

These emojis represent different places, famous landmarks, buildings, natural environments, and forms of transportation. They might inspire a desire to travel. Here are the emojis:

EmojiNameMeaningOther Names
🌍Earth AfricaShows the continent of Africa on a globe.Globe Showing Africa
🌎Earth AmericasDisplays North and South America on a globe.Globe Showing Americas
🌏Earth AsiaFeatures the continent of Asia on a globe.Globe Showing Asia
🌐Globe with MeridiansTypically associated with the internet.WWW, Internet
🗺️World MapDepicts the Earth’s continents.Map, Earth
🗾JapanShows a geographical map of Japan.Island
🧭CompassA device indicating north direction.Direction
⛰️MountainRepresents a mountain with sharp peaks.Hill
🏔️Snow-capped MountainShows a snowy, sharp-peaked mountain.Snow Mountains
🏕️CampingDepicts a tent in a forest.Campsite
🌋VolcanoRepresents an erupting volcano.Eruption
🗻Mount FujiThe largest mountain in Japan.Fuji-san
🏝️Desert IslandShows a sandy island.Island
🏖️Beach with UmbrellaA beach scene with umbrella.Umbrella
🏜️DesertDepicts a sandy desert with cacti.Sand
🏟️StadiumA venue for large sports events.Grandstand, Sports Stadium
🏞️National ParkFeatures rivers, mountains, and greenery.Park
🏛️Classical BuildingOften related to significant town buildings.Building
🧱BricksDepicts bricks used in construction.Red Stone
🏗️Building ConstructionShows a construction site with a crane.Crane
🏠House BuildingA simple house with a red door.House
🏚️Derelict HouseIndicates an abandoned or possibly haunted house.Abandoned House, Broken House, Haunted House
🏡House with TreeA house with a large tree nearby.House with Garden
🏢OfficeA workplace during business hours.Office Building
🏤Post OfficeA building for mailing and parcel services.Parcel Office
🏥HospitalA place for medical care.Medical, Red Cross
🏦BankA place for financial transactions.Money
🏨HotelAccommodations for trips away from home.Motel, Rent Home
🏩Love HotelA hotel primarily for couples.Couple Hotel
🏬Departmental StoreA store for various shopping needs.Shopping Centre, Mall
🏫SchoolA building where children receive education.High School, Clock Tower
🏭FactoryAn industrial site, sometimes linked with pollution.Industry, Pollution
🏯Japanese CastleA traditional Japanese castle of stone and wood.Fortress
🗼TowerOften represents Tokyo Tower, sometimes Eiffel Tower.Eiffel Tower, Red Tower
🗽Statue of LibertySymbolic of New York City.New York
⛪ChurchA place for worship and ceremonies like weddings.Cross
⛲FountainDecorative water feature in parks and gardens.Park
⛺TentA temporary cloth shelter.Camping
🌁FoggyDepicts a foggy landscape.Foggy City, Fog
🌃Night with StarsShows a cityscape at night with stars.Nighttime, Night City
🌄Sunrise over MountainsMorning sun rising over mountains.Morning, Sunrise
♨️Hot SpringsIndicates hot spring waters.Steam
🎠Carousel HorseA carnival ride for children.Carnival
🎡Ferris WheelA large wheel offering city views from above.Carnival
💈BarberA pole signifying a barbershop.Barbershop
🎪CircusA tent for professional stunts and shows.Stunts
🚃Railway CarA train car on city rails.Railroad, Railroad Carriage
🚅Bullet TrainA fast, electric train in cities or rural areas.Metro Train
🚞Mountain RailwayUsed in hilly regions for passenger transport.Train and Mountain
🚌BusPublic transport for city travel.School Bus
🏍️MotorcycleUsed for racing or sports.Bike, Motorbike
🚗CarA basic car, often depicted in red.Red Car
🛵Motor ScooterA lightweight two-wheeler.Scooty
🛺Auto RickshawA common three-wheeler in Asia.Tuk Tuk
🛹SkateboardA board for skating.Skating
🛟Ring BuoySafety device in water.Lifebuoy, Rescue
🛞WheelA classic wheel, often wooden.Wheels
🔥FireRepresents heat, excitement, or something ‘cool’.Hot, Lit, Flame
💧DropletUsed for various liquids like water, tears, or sweat.Water, Waterdrop
🕛Twelve O’ClockDepicts either noon or midnight.12 AM, 12 PM, Time
⏰AlarmShows an alarm clock set to a specific time.Alarm Clock, Time
🌑New MoonA fully dark moon.Dark Moon, Solar Eclipse
🌚New Moon FaceIronic or creepy smile.Creepy Moon, Smiling Moon
🌝Full Moon FaceUsed sarcastically, showing a happy moon.Moonface, Happy Moon
🪐Ringed PlanetResembles the planet Saturn.Saturn
⭐StarA simple star.Big Star
🌧️Cloud with RainUsed when plans are affected by rain.Cloudy, Rainy
🌤️Mostly SunnyShows a sunny day with some clouds.Sun Behind Cloud
🌪️TornadoDepicts a tornado.Cyclone
🌫️FogShows foggy conditions.Foggy
☔Umbrella with RaindropsUsed in rainy weather.Raining

Activities emojis

Activity emojis represent everyday activities like sports, arts, music, and more. They are used to express hobbies, interests, and pastimes. These emojis include:

🎃Jack-O-LanternSymbolizes Halloween.Halloween, pumpkin
🎄Christmas TreeRepresents Christmas and/or holidays.Xmas tree
🎆FireworksSymbolizes the beautiful display of lights at night.Explosion
🧨FirecrackerUsed for celebrations like Diwali and New Year.Crackers, dynamite, blast
✨SparklesIndicates happiness, gratitude, and excitement.Glitter, shiny
🎈BalloonRepresents birthday celebrations or a simple balloon.Party, red balloon
🎉Party PopperUsed to depict celebrations or parties.Tada, celebration
🎊ConfettiRepresents celebrations or parties.Confetti ball
🎋Tanabata TreeRepresents the Tanabata tree.Wish tree
🎍BambooDepicts a bamboo plant in a pot.Pine decoration
🎎DollsRepresents toys.Japanese dolls
🎐WindchimeAssociated with the sound and appearance of wind chimes.Jellyfish, wind bell
🧧Red EnvelopeCommon in Asian cultures.Red packet, Ang Pao
🎀RibbonSuggests cuteness.Bow
🎁GiftIndicates a surprise, gift, or present.Gift package, Birthday present
🎗️Reminder RibbonRepresents awareness.Ribbon
🎫TicketUsed for events requiring paid entry, like movies or sports.Movie ticket, admission ticket
🪪Identification CardRepresents an ID card.ID card, I-card
🎖️MedalRepresents achievement recognition.Military medal
🏆TrophyRepresents achievement recognition.Championship trophy
🥇First Place MedalUsed to indicate ranking first in an event.First position, gold medal
⚽SoccerDepicts the sport of soccer.Football
⚾BaseballSpecifically represents a baseball.Softball
🏀BasketballDepicts a basketball.Orange ball
🏐VolleyballRepresents the sport of volleyball.Volley
🏉Rugby FootballRepresents the sport of rugby.Football, league
🎾TennisIndicates the sport of tennis.Tennis racket, lawn tennis, tennis ball
🏓Ping PongRepresents the sport of table tennis.Table tennis
🥏Flying DiscDepicts a frisbee.Frisbee
🏏Cricket GameRepresents the sport of cricket.Bat & ball
🎳BowlingRepresents the sport of bowling.Pins, bowling ball
🏑Field HockeyRepresents field hockey.Hockey
🥍LacrosseRepresents the sport of lacrosse.Squash
🏸BadmintonRepresents the sport of badminton.Badminton racquet and shuttlecock
🥊Boxing GloveDepicts boxing.Punch, punching
🥋Martial Arts UniformRepresents judo, karate, and similar sports.Martial Arts uniform
🥅Goal NetCommon in outdoor sports like soccer.Soccer
⛳GolfDepicts a golf course flag in a hole.Flag in hole
⛸️Ice SkatesUsed for ice skating.Ice skating
🎣FishingRepresents a fishing pole with a hooked fish.Fishing pole, fishing rod
🤿Diving MaskEssential for diving or underwater activities.Diving, swimming
🎿SkiUsed for skiing.Skiing, Skis
🎯DartsRepresents hitting a bullseye.Bullseye
🪀Yo-YoA spinning toy used in free time.Spinning
🪁KiteDepicts a red kite with a long tail.Red kite
🛝Playground SlideCommon playground equipment for kids to slide on.Slide
🪩Mirror BallReflects light in discos.Disco, glitter, disco ball
🎱8 BallRepresents snooker and billiards.Snooker, 8 Ball pool, billiards
🔮Crystal BallUsed in contexts related to magic and fortune-telling.Fortune teller, purple crystal
🧿Nazar AmuletRepresents protection against envy in Turkish culture.Evil Eye Talisman
🕹️JoystickOften used to represent video gaming.Gaming
🎮Video GameUsed to invite friends for gaming sessions.Controller, gamepad, Xbox, Play Station
🎰Slot MachineUsed when planning casino or gambling activities.Casino, gambling
🎲DiceDepicts dice used in board games.Game dies
🧸Teddy BearConveys cuteness.Bear, soft toy
♠️SpadesRepresents the spades suit in playing cards.Spades suit
♥️HeartsRepresents the heart’s suit in playing cards.Hearts suit
♦️DiamondsRepresents the diamond suit in playing cards.Diamonds suit
♣️ClubsRepresents the club’s suit in playing cards.Clubs suit
♟️Chess PawnDepicts a pawn in chess.Chess pawn
🃏JokerRepresents the joker in playing cards.Joker card
🀄Mahjong Red DragonDepicts a specific tile from Mahjong.Mahjong Red Dragon
🎭Performing ArtsIndicates theatre or drama.Drama, Theatre
🧶YarnUsed to sew woolen clothes.Ball of yarn
🎨ArtRepresents a color palette used in painting.Artist palette, painting


Here are emojis representing everyday objects commonly used by people. These can indicate items you might want to purchase or receive as gifts.

EmojiNameMeaningOther Names
🎀RibbonA piece of cloth typically worn on the collar of a shirt
👓GlassesRepresents spectaclesSpecs, spectacles
🕶️SunglassesRepresents sunglassesglasses, smart
🥽GogglesRepresents swimming gogglesSwimming, swimming goggles
🥼Lab coatA coat typically worn in laboratoriesLab
🦺Safety vestA vest worn in large bodies of water like swimming poolsVest
👔NecktieA T-shirt with an attached tieTie
👕T-shirtA simple emoji of a T-shirtShirt
👖JeansA simple emoji of jeansJean
🧣ScarfA simple emoji of a scarf
🧤GlovesA simple emoji of glovesGlove
🧥CoatA simple emoji of a coat
🧦SocksA simple emoji of socks
👘KimonoA traditional Japanese dress
👗DressA simple emoji of a dress
🛍️Shopping bagsRepresents shopping bagsShopping, mall
🎒BackpackA simple emoji of a backpackBag, school bag
🩴Thong sandalFootwear is typically worn in the bathroomSandals
👞Man’s shoeA pair of formal shoesLeather shoes
👟Running shoeShoes used for running or sportsShoes, sports shoes
🥾Hiking bootRepresents hiking bootsBoots, trekking
🥿Flat ShoeA shoe with a minimal soleWoman’s shoe
👠High-heeled shoeA shoe with very high heelsHigh heels
👡Woman’s sandalSandals were typically worn by womenSandal
🩰Ballet shoesShoes used for ballet danceBallet
👢Woman’s bootBoots are typically worn by women in winterBoots, high boots
👒Woman’s hatRepresents a woman’s hatHat
👑CrownA jewel-fitted crownKing, Queen
🎩Top hatRepresents a long hatMagician
🎓Graduation capRepresents a graduation capGraduation
🧢Billed capRepresents a billed capCap
🪖Military helmetRepresents a military helmetMilitary, army
⛑️Rescue worker’s helmetRepresents a rescue worker’s helmetRescue

List of trending emojis of 2024

Everyone has their favorite emojis they use all the time in casual chats. Even I have my go-to emoticons when texting my family, friends, or someone special. Here are the top 10 emojis people used the most in 2024

  1. 😂 (Laughing so hard you’re crying)
  2. ❤️ (Heart, to express love)
  3. 🤣 (Laughing hysterically)
  4. 👍 (Thumbs up, indicating approval)
  5. 😭 (Crying face, for sad or emotional moments)
  6. 🙏 (Folded hands, a gesture of gratitude or prayer)
  7. 😘 (Blowing a kiss)
  8. 🥰 (Face surrounded by hearts, feeling loved or adored)
  9. 😍 (Face with heart eyes, showing admiration or excitement)
  10. 😊 (Smiling face, conveying happiness or warmth)

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1) What is the meaning 🥰 emoji?

The emoji 😊, with its hearts, rosy cheeks, and smiling eyes, is all about spreading warmth and joy. It’s like a little love note, expressing affection or being smitten with something or someone.

2) How to use emoji?

Using emojis is a fun and expressive way to communicate in text messages, emails, social media, and more. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Keyboard: When you’re typing a message, whether it’s a text, email, or social media post, open your device’s keyboard.
  2. Find the Emoji Button: Look for the emoji button on your keyboard. It’s usually located near the space bar on most smartphones. On iPhones, it’s a smiley face icon, while on Android phones, it may vary depending on the brand and keyboard app you’re using.
  3. Select an Emoji: Tap the emoji button to open the emoji keyboard. You’ll see a variety of emojis sorted into different categories like smiley faces, animals, food, and more. Scroll through the categories to find the emoji you want to use.
  4. Tap to Insert: Once you’ve found the emoji you want to use, tap on it to insert it into your message. You can also tap and hold on certain emojis to see variations or additional options.
  5. Send Your Message: After inserting the emoji into your message, continue typing if needed, and then send your message as usual.

3) When and Who created the very first Emoji?

In 1999, the Japanese artist Shigetaka Kurita crafted the very first emoji.

History of Emojis: From Early Symbols to Modern Icons

1999: Emojis are born! They start with icons for weather, traffic, technology, and time.

2010: Unicode officially hops on board with emojis, bringing in hundreds more, like cat faces showing different feelings.

2015: Emojis get a diversity boost! Now they include five skin tones and options for same-sex couples. 👬

2016: More updates! Emojis now represent single dads, the pride flag, and even a woman lifting weights.

2017: New emojis are suggested to bridge language barriers. For instance, there’s talk of adding a mosquito to represent diseases like malaria and Zika.

4) How many emoji characters exist?

Around 3782 emoji characters exist.

5) Do emojis look the same on all platforms?

No,Emojis may appear slightly different across platforms because their look is influenced by the fonts installed on each system.

6) When is the World Emoji Day celebrated?

Each year, people around the globe celebrate World Emoji Day on July 17th.

7) Which is the most used emoji in 2024?

Face with Tears of Joy (😂)and Heart (❤️) was the most used emoji in 2024.

8) How can I use emojis effectively in marketing campaigns?

Emojis can add personality and engagement to your marketing, but use them strategically. Consider your target audience and ensure they align with your brand voice. Don’t overuse them, and be mindful of possible cultural differences in interpretation.

9) Are there differences in emoji usage on Instagram and Twitter?

There can be subtle differences in emoji usage across platforms. Some emojis trend more on certain platforms. Observing how your target audience uses emojis can be a good guide.

10) How to add new emojis to Android mobile phones and iPhones?

Android Phones: To add new emojis to your Android phone, you’ll want to make sure you’re running the latest software update. Once that’s done, check if your device manufacturer offers any emoji updates through their system updates. You can also download third-party emoji apps from the Google Play Store, which often provide additional emoji options. After installing the app, follow the instructions to enable the new emojis on your keyboard.

iPhones: For iPhones, adding new emojis is straightforward. Ensure your iPhone is updated to the latest iOS version. Apple usually includes new emojis in its system updates. To access the new emojis, go to Settings > General > Software Update, and install any available updates. Once updated, you’ll automatically have access to the latest emojis in your keyboard’s emoji library.

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Nadim Shaikh

Nadim Shaikh

Nadim Shaikh, the dedicated editor of the weekly Wakeup. He commitment to providing top-quality content. With a wealth of experience in content writing. Nadim excels in crafting engaging and informative material that resonates with readers. His hardworking nature and strong work ethic shine through in the exceptional content. He curates for Weekly Wakeup, establishing him as a proficient and valuable asset in the field of content creation.